– Where Sikhs generate and share ideas, is a website created to improve Sikh lifestyle.
Created in 2017, this website is taking the urgent issues of Sikhs and proposing solutions. These issues are from wide ranging fields starting from improvements in Gurdwaras to adopting social reforms. See below a list:
- Empowering Citizens of Panjab
- Adulterated/fake milk sold in India
- Dashcams can kill corruption
- ਜਾਦੂ ਟੁਣਾ Black Magic Witchcraft
- Pushing a change in Gurdwaras: Message Dollars
- How Babas and Deras are made in Punjab
- Conversions in Punjab
- Save Forests in Punjab
- Punjabis will not forget
- ਡੇਰਾ ਵਾਦ – Dera waad in Sikhs
- Time Capsule
- Idol worship and Sikhism
- Protect Sikhs in Covid19
- Leadership for the Good !
- 84 Mart
- Sikh’s beard and Corona
- Niman Sewa
- Perfect Gurdwara Building
- Knowledge in the Gurdwara
- Books Day – Offer a book to your friends
- Modern Golak ( ਗੋਲਕ )
- Covid-19 video Project
- Ride Sewa
- Gurdwara hygiene during Covid-19
- Black Golak
- Philippines: Abuloy
- My turban and my age